BRI Liga 1: Wiljan Pluim Didepak PSM, Begini Respons Bernardo Tavares

BRI Liga 1: Wiljan Pluim Didepak PSM, Begini Respons Bernardo Tavares

Wiljan Pluim, the Dutch midfielder, has been released by PSM Makassar, a club in the Indonesian BRI Liga 1. The decision to let go of Pluim came as a surprise to many fans, as he was an important player for the team. However, the club’s management had their reasons, and it seems that Pluim’s departure was not taken lightly.

Bernardo Tavares, the head coach of PSM Makassar, has given his response to Pluim’s departure. He stated that the decision was made based on the needs of the team and the overall performance of the players. Tavares emphasized that every decision taken by the club is in the best interest of the team’s success.

Pluim joined PSM Makassar in 2020 and quickly became a key player for the team. His technical skills and experience were highly appreciated by both the fans and the management. However, this season, Pluim’s performance seemed to have declined, and he struggled to make an impact on the field.

Tavares mentioned that although Pluim was a talented player, the team needed someone who could contribute more consistently. He explained that the decision to part ways with Pluim was made after careful consideration of the team’s needs and goals for the season. Tavares also expressed his gratitude for Pluim’s contribution to the club during his time with PSM Makassar.

The departure of Pluim opens up an opportunity for other players to step up and prove themselves. Tavares stated that the team is always looking for ways to improve and strengthen the squad. He assured the fans that the club is working tirelessly to find a suitable replacement for Pluim and to ensure the team’s success in the league.

The decision to release Pluim may have been a difficult one, but Tavares believes that it is a necessary step for the team’s progress. He emphasized that the club’s ultimate goal is to win the BRI Liga 1 and to compete at the highest level. Tavares expressed his confidence in the team’s ability to overcome this setback and continue their journey towards success.

As for Pluim, he has not yet commented on his departure from PSM Makassar. It remains to be seen whether he will find a new club or decide to retire from professional football. Regardless, his time with PSM Makassar will be remembered, and his contributions to the team will not be forgotten.

In the world of football, decisions like these are not uncommon. Clubs are constantly evaluating their squads and making changes to improve their performance. While it may be disappointing for fans to see a beloved player leave, it is important to trust in the club’s decisions and have faith in the team’s ability to adapt and succeed.